Monday, 20 February 2012

YouTube Feedback

So far my video has 567 views on YouTube with 6 Likes and 0 Dislikes. This is really good considering I only posted it over a week ago... I think it's a really good idea to post your work online, in terms of people seeing what you have created and the feedback that you receive from it. This sort of thing is called Web 2.0. This means that the web (internet) has developed to the point where us as consumers can produce and distribute things that we have made ourselves - showing it to millions of people on the internet. For example Youtube is a place on the internet where you can upload it and show it and share it with all the users. Youtube has an average of 490 million users - so everyone who uploads has a potential for all these users to see what they have uploaded. This is called the 'Longtail theory' by Chris Anderson. This basically means that us as consumers have a potential to reach more viewers than something like a big company like the BBC are showing.

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